I was given the Sunshine Blog Award from Melissa at Playing With Paper
I am honored that of all her followers she included me as one of the 6 she passed this along to!
The rules of the award are:
1. You must pass this award on to six (6) other bloggers/followers
2. Link your nominees within your post
3. Let your bloggers/followers know you are passing this award to them by leaving a comment on their blog
4. Add a link to the blog of the person from whom you received this award
I'd like to pass this award onto:
Brenda at Brenda's Joy - even if you can no longer be on my DT you will always be a friend.
Leah at Paper Blossoms - It has been a real blessing to have you as a friend.
Karli at Crafting with Class - I love your humor and your projects always inspire me.
Stephanie at All 4 Sydney - My fabulous blogging friend, your friendship is a blessing.
Eileen at Dropped Stitches - Your comments always brighten my day.
Lesleyanne at LA's Cricut and SCAL Creations - You have a fabulous blog and have taught me so much.
There are so many other wonderful bloggers out there that I wish I could share this with, but I have been limited to only 6.
ohhh Kristina....you know this is making me cry!!! Thank you sooo much, and thank you for all your prayers and the info you emailed me for my dear friend. Still upsets me that corporate came out with those new policys...it is sooo not fair.
Thank you so much Kristina! I am not very good at passing these on but I SO appreciate being picked by you:)And you are a blessing to me!
Thank you so much, Kristina! What a nice surprise, and I'm honoured to be in such excellent company! Your blog is great,and this is one award I'm passing on!
Thanks again, Lesleyanne
Congrats Kristina...well deserved!!!
Thank you so much Kristina and I'm tickled to accept it. How kind of you to think of me --->awww shucks! (blush, blush)
Big Hugs to ya!
Oh, now I can definitely count you in with the SPECIAL crowd....heehee. (I got this award from someone too, so you're special!) Har har.
P.S. Love the way you spell your daughter's name. :) Much more original than MINE!
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